My friend/housemate Ida presented me a game specialize in blog. It permits you to know me a bit more thanks to anecdots and it also help other blogs to get "advertising". Rules are: write down 7 random facts about yourself, and tag 7 other bloggers you like/follow and then, they have to do the same. Obviously, if they know that you tagged them.
Then, my visitors might visit the blogs I advertise and might get interested in, so the bloggers are happier because they have a bigger audience.
The anecdotes about me:
1) I have three hairs growing on my fronthead since I was born (but I pull them up when they are too long)
2) As a student job I built a road (spreading asphalt on the ground) and demolished a supermarket!
3) I used to collect stamps when I was kid, from age 8 to 12
4) Since I am 5, I wished to do so many jobs. First, President of the French Republic, then spaceman, archeologist, car designer, architect, motorsport engineer and sales engineer, what I am now. But today, I am not sure about what I want to continue as...
5) I have been building a plastic model of a car for more than a year and I have not finished it yet
6) I have not gone to the hospital as a patient since I was born (I touch wood to go there the latest possible)
7) I am French (really) and as a cliché, I should be arrogant and thinking that France is the best country in the world but I prefer the UK (how amazing!)
1) Little Ida's Flowers: the blog of my dear Danish friend/housemate
2) Cora in London: the blog of my dear French friend/housemate
3) Write More Blog: the blog of a growing London music band I love, Eat More Cake
4) A Singaporian in London: a blog I discovered recently, I really advise it to you as that guy goes out a lot and makes reviews of restaurant, musicals and events. He also shares his point of view of the British culture.
I do not follow other blogs in English so I cannot just tag more of them, sorry!
PS: I have updated the Ascot Races article with new pictures of me there: